Children’s Christmas Party

The HAAA Board of Directors would like to thank Jane Linker and her crew of helper elves for hosting a very successful great night with Santa.


The following report was generated by Jane and provides additional details about the events that occurred during the Children’s Christmas Party.

“Our annual Christmas Party was a great success, we had a full house and everyone ate and did crafts, entered contests and of course got to see Santa and Mrs. Claus. We   always have enough toys where every child is able to come up to the toy table and pick a gift.

I would like to give a special thank you to Thrivent, who generously gave us money to purchase 4 bikes for the children.  I can tell you that we sure had some happy faces when they saw those bikes. Thanks also to Bob Rauner at Automotive Marketing and Brad & Michelle Jeffery for their donations.  Many thanks to the people who stepped forward and donated toys, the kids had many wonderful toys to pick from.

I would like to thank all the helper elves that helped in the kitchen or with crafts or baked cookies or helped with the contests.  (also our clean up crew was wonderful).  And last but not least a very special thank you to Santa and Mrs. Claus for always taking the time to attend our party and help make wonderful memories for the kids !!

It was a wonderful time !!”      Jane Linker